Saturday, February 20, 2016

02/20/2016 Died, Buried, Alive in Christ? Justice of God's Righteousness and Judgment Only!

Respect duly given Truth (Verified Facts)!

Hear Leviticus 19:15-16 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition 
You shall do no injustice in judging a case; you shall not be partial to the poor or show a preference for the mighty, but in righteousness and according to the merits of the case judge your neighbor.
You shall not go up and down as a dispenser of gossip and scandal among your people, nor shall you [secure yourself by false testimony or by silence and] endanger the life of your neighbor. I am the Lord.
John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States:
Party:  Republican.
Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. NO
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. NO
Anthony M. Kennedy, Associate Justice:
Party:  Republican.
Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. NO
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. NO
Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice:
Party:  Republican.
Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. NO
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. NO
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice:
Party:  Democrat.
Religious Affiliation:  Jewish.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. YES
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. YES
Stephen G. Breyer, Associate Justice:
Party:  Democrat.
Religious Affiliation:  Jewish.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. YES
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. YES
Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr., Associate Justice:
Party:  Republican.
Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. NO
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. NO
Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice:
Party:  Democrat.
Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. YES
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. YES
Elena Kagan, Associate Justice:
Party:  Democrat.
Religious Affiliation:  Jewish.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. YES
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. YES

Hear Let My People Think: Ravi Zacharias at Yale University - Part 1

Hear Let My People Think: Ravi Zacharias at Yale - Part 2

Can we allow Congress to put appointing a new Supreme Court Justice? Call your Elected Officials and tell them you moral values thoughts.



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