Saturday, February 20, 2016

02/20/2016 Died, Buried, Alive in Christ? Justice of God's Righteousness and Judgment Only!

Respect duly given Truth (Verified Facts)!

Hear Leviticus 19:15-16 Amplified Bible, Classic Edition 
You shall do no injustice in judging a case; you shall not be partial to the poor or show a preference for the mighty, but in righteousness and according to the merits of the case judge your neighbor.
You shall not go up and down as a dispenser of gossip and scandal among your people, nor shall you [secure yourself by false testimony or by silence and] endanger the life of your neighbor. I am the Lord.
John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States:
Party:  Republican.
Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. NO
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. NO
Anthony M. Kennedy, Associate Justice:
Party:  Republican.
Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. NO
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. NO
Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice:
Party:  Republican.
Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. NO
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. NO
Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Associate Justice:
Party:  Democrat.
Religious Affiliation:  Jewish.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. YES
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. YES
Stephen G. Breyer, Associate Justice:
Party:  Democrat.
Religious Affiliation:  Jewish.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. YES
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. YES
Samuel Anthony Alito, Jr., Associate Justice:
Party:  Republican.
Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. NO
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. NO
Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice:
Party:  Democrat.
Religious Affiliation:  Roman Catholic.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. YES
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. YES
Elena Kagan, Associate Justice:
Party:  Democrat.
Religious Affiliation:  Jewish.
Believes the U.S. Constitution is a living and breathing document. YES
Believes in the Constitution's Clause of Separation of Church and State. YES

Hear Let My People Think: Ravi Zacharias at Yale University - Part 1

Hear Let My People Think: Ravi Zacharias at Yale - Part 2

Can we allow Congress to put appointing a new Supreme Court Justice? Call your Elected Officials and tell them you moral values thoughts.



Tuesday, February 16, 2016

02/16/2016 Antidisestablishmentarianism - First Amendment to the Bill of Rights!


The First Amendment (Amendment I) to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion, impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble or prohibiting the petitioning for a governmental redress of grievances. It was adopted on December 15, 1791, as one of the ten amendments that constitute the Bill of Rights.

It is a political position that developed in 19th-century Britain in opposition to Liberal (Against the People - wanted slavery in the Colonies'; for Democratic Social Economics, moral values, and populism) proposals for the disestablishment of the Church of England—meaning the removal of the Anglican Church's status as the state church of England, Ireland, and Wales. The establishment was maintained in England, but in Ireland the Church of Ireland (Anglican) was disestablished in 1871. 

In Wales, four Church of England dioceses were disestablished in 1920 and became the Church in Wales.

The word has also come by analogy to refer to any opposition to those who oppose the establishment, whether the government in whole or part or the established society.

The belief of the framers of the U.S. Declaration of Independence and the Constitution was that there should not be a national church that dictates moral values; because that can lead to corruption of the true intent of God's Plans and His Holy Word for selfishness, greed, and can potentially be used to divide communities of people to tare apart this nation.

Bad Examples:

Charles & David Koch - Libertarian Party, Tea Party... (many other Billionaires and Millionaires?) 

The Republican Party (GOP - Grand Old Party?)

The Democratic Party (Democratic Farmer and Labor Party?)

Good Examples:

Wounded Warriors Community (Why is our government and you not doing this?)

American Cancer Society (Why do its leaders take so much money?)

Unions (Of, by, and for the People to fight injustice in the work place; Why do leaders of these support corrupt politicians when they know that if a true democratic vote was taken; who they support would not be the peoples choice?)

What should be done?